Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Poem for T.S.E.

Oh T.S. would you
could see this April—
this spring
with its shoots bourne
of brimming earth.
Those hollow men you spoke of,
long since dust,
provide a rich meal
for my Snapdragons,
my Foxglove,
my Daffodils.
I wonder...
would April remain
the cruelest month?


Danielle said...

"those hollow men you spoke of, long since dust, provide a rich meal..."

Loving it, Kevin.

"I wonder would April remain the cruelest month..."

Just enough...just enough...I admire the restraint in these words...

Keep writing.

bigshoulders said...

thanks Danielle. you're too kind.


Andrew Simone said...

Too True, but, even for Eliot, it rains in the end, no?